Since time immemorial, the Trusted MediaQM Broadcast Agency has been your window into current affairs, city politics, and the latest in entertainment. Our mission is to bring YOU up-to-the-minute reporting and live coverage 24/7, around the clock. The city doesn't sleep. Why should we?

You can trust Trusted!QM

Why can you trust us, you ask? Well, aside from our reputation as the City's oldest and most reliable broadcast agency, we also utilize state-of-the-art DigiViewQM algorithms to ensure that the news you watch relays only the best carefully structured narratives. This technology is patented and is proprietary to us, and has been effectively utilized for as long as memory serves. According to detailed studies conducted by the Bureau, Trusted MediaQM is the most accurate and reliable agency in the business. Don't worry- with us, you're perfectly safe.

Located at the border of Dunlop on historic Sujo Street, the Trusted Media Broadcast building boasts an impressive 20,000 square feet of studio space. We're responsible for many of your favorite hit shows, such as "Where's The Key?" "Fished Without A Boat," "Jiffy Lube's Amazing World Of Grunk," and, of course, "Tomorrow's Never Enough," which has been running strong for 75 seasons and counting, with a strong fanbase in the millions.

We're also responsible for a resurgence of faith in journalism, mainly due to our unique anti-union perspective. We stick up for the rights of big business citywide, and our news anchors aren't afraid to speak their minds on the issues that matter the most to YOU. Most of our channels feature reporting tailored and customized by the algorithm specifically for you, such as "Art Chafer's Big Bucks," "The News Minute With Cathy And Fernando," "News That's Actually Really Funny If You Think About It," and "Splap Zone". We pride ourselves on our accurate research and fair and balancedQM approach, which you likely won't find with any of those "other" Broadcast Agencies. You know, the shittier ones.